What the producing process of Honed Barrel

Hydraulic cylinder barrels endure conditions of extreme pressure. To make them resistant to the extreme conditions under which they operate, the inside diameter of the barrel is honed to a smooth surface finish, ensuring that the barrel is free from ovality and that the bore is parallel. The smooth surface protects the piston seals during operation, extending the effective life of the cylinder . The combination of experienced re-conditioners and high-quality machines, ensure that our clients receive the best reconditioned cylinder rods and honed barrels . HONED BARRELS PROCESS We will source the materials E355 DIN2391 ST52 Or others, machine the different components and drill the port holes into the honed tube or hollow bar . The different components are then welded onto the tube at our factory. The semi-finished hydraulic cylinder barrel is given a final hone. Then we will package and deliver the honed barrel to your door. Advantages of Our Honed Steel tube...