Considerations for Hydraulic Cylinders / Suppliers

While hydraulic power transmission is extremely useful in a wide variety of professional applications, it is generally never wise to depend on one form of power transmission. Each different type of power transmission (electrical, mechanical, and fluid) works best when integrated into an overall power transmission strategy. You should invest in finding honest and skilled hydraulic manufacturers / suppliers who can assist you in developing and implementing an overall hydraulic strategy.

With specific regard to hydraulic cylinders, it is important to note that all cylinder components must be made of durable materials that can withstand the friction and heat created by the use of the hydraulic cylinder.

Stamping or extrusion processes are used to produce seals which are made of nitrile rubber, viton, polypropylene, brass or stainless steel depending on the application.
The pistons are made of brass, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, or bronze.
Piston rods and cylinders are made of these same materials, though are produced by different manufacturing processes. Cold rolling is used to manufacture the rods, which are often hard chrome plated to provide protection from corrosion and wear.
The interior surface of the barrel must have a micro-smooth surface, allowing the piston to move cleanly through the body with minimal energy lost to friction.
The above components must also be compatible with the hydraulic fluid which is generally a mineral, oil, ether or water composite. However, selecting the proper hydraulic cylinder for a specific application involves more than manufacturing technique, body material and fluid. Further considerations include maximum operating pressure, stroke, bore size and rod diameter among others. As the work force generated by pressurized hydraulics can vary significantly, it is important to understand system requirements before choosing a specific model.


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