production process of hollow chrome bar

 Hollow Chrome Bar (Chrome Plated Tubing):Internal Honed with External Hard Chromium Plate Tube .Suitable for Elevator Cylinder, Telescope Cylinder, Scaling Ladder, Agriculture Machines, Earthwork Machines, etc..hollow bar not only owns normal characteristics of hard chrome plated steel bar, but also has the advantage of reducing the loaded weight of machine due to the hollow shape.

  • Material:STKM13A、STKM13C、SAE1020、SAE4140、ST52、CK45
  • External Diameter Accuracy:f7、f8、g6
  • Thickness of Chrome Layer:<Φ20 15μm min.
    ≧ Φ20 20μm min.
  • Hardness of Chrome Layer: HV850 min. (0.1)
  • Surface Roughness:Ra 0.2μm max.


Production Precess Of  Chrome Plated Bar




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