The Salt Spray Test Hours For CK45 Induction Hardened Chrome Rod

 CK45 Induction hardened chrome rod is the main component of engineering hydraulic cylinders,as a professional manufacturer in this field, Anbao Hydraulic uses its unique and proprietary chrome plating method to produce hydraulic cylinder piston rods that are more dimensionally uniform and far more corrosion resistant than those produced by conventional processes.

We offers chrome cylinder rod with 3 kinds of heat treatment type:1) Normal no heat  2)Q+T(Quenched+Tempered) 3)Induction Hardened chrome plated bars with an increasing range of corrosion resistance as tested against the standard ASTM B117 neutral salt spray for between 24 and 1000 hours as client's requirements.

Delivery condition of Anbao CK45 Induction Hardened Chrome Rod
Hard Chrome Piston Rod
Quenched & Tempered (Q+T) Rod
Induction Hardened Rod
Q+T Induction Hardened Rod
Corrosion resistance:
Test in natural salt spray according to ASTM B 117-96 hours.


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